YAMAHA Keyboard Group  
  4 - 5 Yrs (JMC)  Wed 4:30-5:15 pm   Start 7/9/25  $115/mo
  Junior Music       
More Info: Call 714-974-0830

Music Wonderland

(MW - ages 3-4) Music Wonderland is geared to cultivate a life-long love of music and foundation for musical ability.  A rich and varied array of listening activities enables students to perceive music's power to vividly express images and emotions. Children are introduced to the fun of keyboard playing activities.

Maximize your child's prime window for auditory development now! Cultivate their imagination with stimulating sound and colorful, playful imagery! Large motor skills are also developed and honed as your child has a great time learning to play the keyboard.

Junior Music Course

 (JMC - beginners ages 4-5) is 2 year program for children beginning at ages 4 or 5 that provides an JMC 4incomparable foundation for future musical study on any instrument. Children experience singing, music reading and writing, playing the keyboard, ear training, and creating music.

Young Musician Course

(YMC - beginners age 6-8) is founded on the belief that every child loves music.  During this three-year program, children participate in activities that teach basic musical skills and encourage independence, creativity and self-expression.  The course appeals to the imagination of a young mind and becomes an integral part of your child's growth.

For beginning musicians ages 6-8, class activities include ear training, keyboard repertoire, keyboard harmony, music theory, exposure to arranging, singing, ensemble playing, and improvisation.

Age Requirement: To enroll in YMC, children must have reached their 6th birthday by September 15 for fall semester classes and by February 15th for a spring semester start. This requirement helps ensure that children are enrolled in a course for which they are developmentally ready. 

Upon Completion of the Course YMC

Once your child has completed the Young Musicians Course, he or she can take the Yamaha Student Grade 9 Exam to confirm his or her musical achievement. Teachers refer to the exam results to correctly place students in advanced courses of study such as the Junior Advanced Course. As the children develop more advanced musical skills, they are also encouraged to express themselves by performing and composing their own music through programs like Junior Original Concert

Natural development, Ear, Muscle, and Vocal Chord graph according to Yamaha (YMES)      See Graph


Great piano classes. They have just started piano lessons for children using the Yamaha method. It teaches children to play by ear as well as learn notes. The Yamaha Program is very well designed. The teachers are great. This is the perfect class for my 5-year old.

LeAnn L.
Yelper, Orange, CA
Oct 02, 2015
